
Benchmark of web-applications testing tools

  Benchmark of web-applications testing tools
Author Alhusaine NEMER – test’n’dev
Date 09/02/2024
Version 0.92
Licence CC BY-NC-ND 4.0


In this article, I will compare some of popular tools used…

I will try to be as objective as possible. It is not a “versus” article, not a “click bait” post, but a comparison of the characteristics, features and performance of each tool.

selection of tools

We will focus on tools having those characteristics:

We selected the following 5 tools:

  2. Nightwatch.js
  3. Playwright
  4. Selenium WebDriver (+ a JavaScript testing framework)
  5. WebdriverIO

In this article, and to be fair in the comparison, we will take JavaScript/TypeScript versions of Playwright and Selenium.

Quick presentation of the compared tools

In the table below, the official quick presentations of the 5 tools, as given on their respective websites:

  name presentation Test modern apps directly in your browser
Build, test, and debug directly in your browser with a seamless developer experience that is loved by developers all around the world. Test your code, not your patience.
With Cypress, you can easily create tests for your modern web applications, debug them visually, and automatically run them in your continuous integration builds.
Nightwatch.js No-compromise test automation framework with a powerful set of tools to write, run and debug your tests across web and native mobile applications.
Playwright Playwright enables reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps.
Selenium WebDriver Selenium automates browsers. That’s it!
What you do with that power is entirely up to you. Primarily it is for automating web applications for testing purposes, but is certainly not limited to just that.
WebdriverIO Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js

Selenium WebDriver?

As you can see, Selenium WebDriver (JavaScript version and the other) is not a test framework by itself, contrary to the 4 others. It is (only) a tool to automate browsers. If we want to use it for web-app testing purposes, we will need to integrate it with a testing framework (like Mocha, Jest, etc.).

In many articles/posts/videos, Selenium WebDriver is often compared to Cypress and/or Playwright, as it was, before them, the most popular open-source tool for web-app testing for many years. And it is still popular today. We will compare it to the 4 others in this article.

We will try to take this into account in our comparison, and for code examples, we will use a JavaScript testing framework (here Jest) to compare the 5 tools.

Popularity of the 5 tools

One of the criteria to choose a tool is its popularity. The more popular a tool is, the more likely it is to be maintained, to have a large community, and to have a lot of resources available (tutorials, plugins, etc.).

To have an overview of “popularity” of each tool, we used indicators retrieved on NPM, GitHub and Google.

Of course, the popularity of a tool is not the only criterion to take into account when choosing a tool. But it is an important one.

In the popularity of the 5 web-app. testing tools” sub-page, we compare the popularity of the 5 tools, using several indicators.

TL;DR: as by end of 2023, the popularity of the 5 tools is as follows:

The table below gives you an overview of the relative popularity of these 5 tools, with a few indicators and their evolution:

Disclaimer: the following indicators are not exhaustive, and are only a snapshot of the popularity of the tools at the time of writing this article.

You said open source?

The 5 tools are officially “open source”. But what does it mean? According to the Open Source Initiative, open source software is software that can be freely used, changed, and shared (in modified or unmodified form) by anyone. Open source software is made by many people, and distributed under licenses that comply with the Open Source Definition.

Those 5 tools are distributed under the following licenses:

As other open source projects, those tools are developed by a community of contributors, and are often sponsored by companies.

The fact that a tool is sponsored by a company can be:

The table below gives you an overview of the licenses and sponsors of the 5 tools:

  Cypress Nighwatch Playwright Selenium WebdriverIO
License The MIT License The MIT License Apache License 2.0 Apache License 2.0 The MIT License
Sponsor BrowserStack Microsoft Community BrowserStack + SauceLabs

Notes for Cypress

Cypress is developed by, a US-based company that offers a commercial product based on the open-source project.

Notes for Playwright

Playwright is an open-source project, but it is also a copyrighted product of Microsoft Corporation. Playwright is developed in the Developer Division at Microsoft (which also develops Visual Studio Code, TypeScript, etc.).

Technical comparison

aspect Cypress Nighwatch Playwright Selenium + WebdriverIO
Other than JS/TS? No, only JS/TS No, only JS/TS Yes (C#, Java, Python) Yes, many No, only JS/TS
Automation Protocol Inside Browser WebDriver CDP WebDriver WebDriver (or CDP)
Browsers support          
Chromium family (Google Chrome, MS Edge) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Firefox family Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Safari WebKit engine (experimental) Yes WebKit engine Yes Yes
IE 11 (for old computers…) No maybe? No Yes maybe?

Automation Protocol

We see that the 5 tools use different automation protocols:

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Installation 🚧

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Performance 🚧

We will use our code hosted on testndev/web-app-testing-tools-benchmark repository for our technical benchmark.

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See also

There is many articles that compare web-app test automation frameworks (especially Selenium vs Cypress vs Playwright since 2022), presenting their features, trade-offs, etc.

You can read for example:


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Licence Creative Commons

This article is licensed under the terms of the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) License

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